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Different reagents

Number of chemical reagents currently supplied by LABOCHEMA

Equipment units sold

Total sum of equipment units sold by LABOCHEMA in the Baltic states in last 5 years

Sq. m. furniture projects

Sq. m. of laboratory floor equipped with furniture by LABOCHEMA

Products delivered every day

Average number of product units LABOCHEMA delivers every business day in the Baltic states

LABOCHEMA's clients business cases

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Application of Equipment for Protein Quantification

The chosen solution allowed shortening the duration of the analysis from hours to several minutes. Using the automated samples entry tool, up to 32 samples can be analysed without interruption, and the software can be easily modified to provide the analysis results in a way the client prefers.

Application of Equipment for Protein Quantification

A leading fodder producer in Europe pays undivided attention to their product quality. This responsibility falls on the company’s quality control laboratory, where physical, chemical and microbiologic research of the products is conducted.

Application of Equipment for Protein Quantification

In order to increase the effectiveness of the research, the quality control laboratory needed a solution, which:

  • would help reduce the duration of the analysis
  • would be as automatized as possible
  • would not require utilizing chemical reagents
  • would have uncomplicated operation and maintenance
  • would have data transfer and archiving software.

Application of Equipment for Protein Quantification

After analysing current protein quantification solutions in the market, a modified Duma method was chosen in combination with a Flash 4000 analyser by Thermo Fisher Scientific. Labochema representative installed the new equipment and carried out necessary training.

Installing the Locomotive Sanding System

The client is a rail transport services provider. One of the services is locomotive sanding: sandboxes are filled with a particular sand substance, which is later used to improve the grip between the train wheels and the railhead.

Installing the Locomotive Sanding System

The client had an old sand loading system: metal containers were hung high and filled with sand by compressed air. This process required constant personnel supervision and extensive manual labour. The loading process was manual, thus mistakes and accidents were unavoidable, there was sand dusting, enviromental pollution, and an increased risk to to the health and safety of the employees.

Installing the Locomotive Sanding System

LABOCHEMA offered a solution to replace the old system with a fully automated new one. It was designed and manufactured with the help of German manufacturers. Six sand loading stations were made. Their operation is similar to a gas station: the machinist places the sand pumps into the sandboxes, then the sand is automatically loaded to the required level, and after the process is completed, it switches off by itself.

Installing the Locomotive Sanding System

Additional personnel is not required, the expenditure is cut, trains’ idle time is decreased, accidents are avoided, the environment and the employee safety is looked after.

There is an operator’s room with the control panel next to the system. Any faults are immediatelly displayed on the screen. Signal lights indicate the ongoing loading process, the sand demand in the bunker, malfunctions, etc.

Long term equipment service agreement

The client organisation operates in chemistry industry. Their main product is nitrogen-phosphorus fertiliser, diammonium phosphate, which is obtained by neutralising the extracted phosphoric acid with ammonia. In order for the company to operate successfully, it is essential to immediately address any malfunctions in the lab machinery.

Long term equipment service agreement

There is a wide variety of equipment in the company’s laboratories, from simple dosing pumps to various analysers. The lab equipment is utilized in complex conditions. The equipment vibrations as well as chemical materials’ impact during any larger manufacturing process cause a more frequent than usual necessity for maintenance.

Long term equipment service agreement

The company was looking for a partner, which could provide the maintenance for their research equipment. They chose LABOCHEMA for ability to carry out various works on time and in high quality, including scheduled maintenance, precise repairs on mechanics, optics, synchronizing the machinery and more. Two organisations signed a service provider agreement, and LABOCHEMA became responsible for the fertilizer manufacturer’s equipment servicing. According to this agreement, the repairs take place either in the factory or in LABOCHEMA service centre.

Long term equipment service agreement

The manufacturer found a trustworthy and qualified partner, responsible for servicing, repairing and maintenance of their research equipment. This approach helped reduce the number of malfunctions, and any occurring faults are now addressed much faster. This enhances the efficiency of the laboratory.

Optimizing the process of purchasing reagents and laboratory consumables

A science institution is performing meaningful, high-level biomedical fundamental, clinical and applied scientific research and experimental development.

Optimizing the process of purchasing reagents and laboratory consumables

Purchasing lab ware and reagents for scientific research goes on for few months, because the employees of the institution must submit the applications to the Public Tenders’ Service, which then organizes public tender surveys. This way, scientists are unable to obtain needed reagents and consumables in time. In some cases, important research cannot be carried out at all, and scientific competitiveness is lost.

Optimizing the process of purchasing reagents and laboratory consumables

In order to ensure a smooth supply of means of research, the science institution chose a modern method of purchasing. They announced a large public tender for several hundred thousand goods at once. LABOCHEMA made a bid and demonstrated a wide assortment of represented manufacturers. Having won the tender offer, LABOCHEMA signed a 3 year agreement to supply laboratory reagents and consumables.

Optimizing the process of purchasing reagents and laboratory consumables

The supply agreement ensures that the researchers can plan the experiments in an orderly manner, and perform them with speed and quality, therefore being able to spare much more time to execute scientific projects. The institution enhanced the competitiveness of its scientists, and today they are able to purchase the high quality goods they require for their research with no delay.

Renewal of Studies and Research Infrastructure

The science facility has livestock breeding, veterinary institutes and faculties in this field.

Renewal of Studies and Research Infrastructure

The science facility was established before the World War II, hence its buildings and infrastructure were out of date and not compliant with modern science requirements. To continue high quality research, it was essential to carry out the restoration of the buildings and to renew the scientific research inventory.

Renewal of Studies and Research Infrastructure

After carrying out the maintenance, new furniture in labs, auditoriums and offices was installed. LABOCHEMA supplied furniture of its own brand as well as made by partners in Spain. Both labs and offices were equipped with tables, cabinets, shelving units, chairs and other furniture.

Renewal of Studies and Research Infrastructure

After completing this project, the personnel of the facility are able to benefit from modern lab equipment and carry out their scientific work and educational activities with safety, speed and precision in mind.

Restoration Project: an X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer

A chemistry science institution used an x-ray photoelectron spectrometer Escalab 250 MK II, manufactured in 1985. This is a complicated deep vacuum system, dedicated to analysing the elemental composition across the top surface of the atom.

Restoration Project: an X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer

The system was not equiped with modern computer technologies for data recording, research automation and analysis. It was decided to modernise the existing system, however, the most complicated task was to match an almost 30 year old piece of equipment with current components and to ensure that the system operates efficiently after the modernisation has been completed.

Restoration Project: an X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer

LABOCHEMA worked together with the manufacturer and carried out a project, which included the following adjustments:

  • x-ray source and its power supply integration
  • renewal of the closed cycle water cooling system for the x-ray source, including the cooling device
  • replacing the elecronic block for electrons detection sensors, electrical signal transfer and signal recording
  • installing a computer system with necessary software for system components’ management and data analysis

Restoration Project: an X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer

After performing the modernisation, the equipment was fitted with a modern control panel, which comes with the newest devices of this type. The users of this equipment are now able to carry out their research much quicker and easier. Long duration experiments no longer pose any issues.

Supplying Furniture For The Healthcare Technology Centre

The Healthcare Technology Centre has a variety of laboratories where Lithuanian and foreign scientists are able to cooperate with business organizations and employees from other scientific institutions.

Supplying Furniture For The Healthcare Technology Centre

Before establishing the new Healthcare Technology Centre, Lithuanian pharmacists, scientists and students worked in different locations, which made their collaboration difficult. The infrastructure in the old laboratories was insufficiently developed, and the premises could not accommodate modern lab equipment.

Supplying Furniture For The Healthcare Technology Centre

A new Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Technologies Centre, 10,000 m2 in total size, was established. To equip it with fully functioning laboratories, Labochema manufactured and installed lab furniture in compliance with the EU requirements. Desks and fume hoods have integrated access sockets so that the equipment is convenient to operate. Air flow monitoring systems were installed in the fume hoods in order to create a safe working environment.

Supplying Furniture For The Healthcare Technology Centre

Labochema manufactured and installed 82 fume hoods, 270 lab desks, 750 various cabinets and shelving units, 860 lab chairs and various other furniture. Both the scientists and the students are now provided with all possibilities to study and perform scientific research in a safe and convenient environment.

Validation of Liquid Chromatography

The organisation develops and manufactures innovative pharmaceutical products. Liquid chromatography methods are used to inspect the raw materials and to examine the quality of the finished product.

Validation of Liquid Chromatography

Validation procedures must be performed in the professional environment, in presence of a certified engineer, representing the machine’s manufacturer, as well as an operator, and a quality control inspector. Therefore, a machine for such task cannot be sent to the manufacturer. Validation procedures stretch out in time, and, when one of them is not up to the standard, the remaining ones need to wait. Then, the maintenance of the machine must be carried out, necessary parts ordered, validation procedures repeated, and the company faces huge losses for idle time.

Validation of Liquid Chromatography

The company approached Labochema looking for qualified engineers and seeking to safeguard the validation process. Labochema engineers were trained and certified by the manufacturers, therefore, the maintenance works are performed well and the validation procedures are finalised effectively. Suspending the operation is avoided by manufacturer-recommended maintenance works, which are performed before the validation procedures begin. This includes oiling the friction-affected joints, repairing or replacing any worn out parts, calibrating the sensors etc.

Validation of Liquid Chromatography

A schedule for maintenance works together with a list for the required spare parts was instituted in order to ensure on-going operation. There is no more waiting until the replacement parts arrive. Since starting their cooperation with Labochema, the company has not once had to suspend their manufacturing process because of discrepancies of the machinery validation.

  • "We are delighted to have you help us chose the right tools and reagents, because you communicate well. Sometimes it can be complicated to choose the right products without appropriate consultations, and you are able to consult speedily. This means our products arrive in time, with no errors."
  • “Our company was established in 1997 and since we strive to become most competent supplier for laboratories and most reliable partner for represented companies in Baltic states”
    - Paulius MiežysCEO Labochema LT
  • "Your employees quickly understood the challenge we were facing, suggested a solution and supplied laboratory equipment. It was installed and connected in time, our employees were instructed on how to use it. We are very satisfied with your cooperation."
  • "I'd like to commend your lab equipment sales manager for her very quick and comprehensive reaction in answering our questions. It's our pleasure to communicate and collaborate with speed and quality and reach mutually beneficial results."
  • "We are very satisfied with our successful cooperation, and the furniture you supplied exceeded our expectations."
  • "Your engineers stand out in their thoroughness and trustworthiness. We consider this very important in ensuring consistent lab performance."

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